The hydrogeology of the uppermost 1000 feet (about 300m) of strata in the Gleichen area is described. Maps and profiles were constructed from existing data and from data collected by a field survey and drilling and testing operations. The 20-year safe yields range from 1 igpm (about 5 l/min) to more than 100 igpm (about 450 l/min). The best aquifers are Quaternary sands and gravels and Upper Cretaceous Belly River sandstones.
Water quality varies: total dissolved solids range from less than 1000 to more than 5000 ppm, and the general chemical character of the water varies from Ca/HCO3 type to Na/SO4 type. In the deep Milk River sandstones in the southeast corner of the map area Na/Cl type waters are present.
Ozoray, G.F. and Lytviak, A.T. (1974): Hydrogeology of the Gleichen area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1974-09, 19 p.