Hydrogeology of the Medicine Hat area, Alberta

Publication Type
Earth Sciences Report
Water Resource
Publication ID
ESR 1975-02
Publication ID Extended
Earth Sciences Report 1975-02

Stevenson, D.R. and Borneuf, D.M. (1977): Hydrogeology of the Medicine Hat area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1975-02, 14 p.


The Medicine Hat map area is predominantly flat, with rolling hills in the central, eastern and northern parts of the region; the South Saskatchewan, Red Deer and Bow Rivers cut deeply incised valleys into the plains surface.

The great majority of wells produce water from the Oldman Formation. However, a wide and deep bedrock valley which runs from the south central part of the map area to the northeast corner could possibly provide yields of 1 to 500 igpm (0.1 to 38 l/sec) from gravels resting on the bedrock.

Total dissolved solids contents of groundwater over the map area vary from 1,000 to 3,000 mg/l. Water types are sodium bicarbonate in the channels, sodium sulfate in lowland surficial aquifers, calcium bicarbonate in uplands; deep Foremost formation aquifers are of sodium sulfate type and brackish.

Place Keywords
alberta, medicine hat
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
aquifers, bedrock aquifer, bedrock geology, drainage, groundwater, hydrochemistry, hydrogeology, surficial aquifers, surficial sediment, test drilling