Geology and Coal Reserves of the Ardley Coal Zone of Central Alberta

Publication Type
Earth Sciences Report
Published Date
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
ESR 1975-07
Publication ID Extended
Earth Sciences Report 1975-07

The Ardley coal zone is subdivided into three main units designated from base to top as the Lower Ardley ''A'', Lower Ardley ''B'' and Upper Ardley. The Lower Ardley ''A'' is interpreted to be a split of the areally persistent and economically dominant Lower Ardley ''B'' unit. Each coal unit is mapped on the basis of gross thicknesses and maximum successions of high quality coal.

Lithofacies studies are presented to indicate generalizations regarding the paleogeography of the Scollard Member and the overlying Paskapoo strata. East-west sedimentation lineaments are suggested by both isopach and lithofacies presentations.>The physical properties of the roof rock are highly variable and deserve careful study prior to mine development.

Reserves of Ardley coal between 300 and 1000 feet in depth are estimated to total 44 billion tons if developed on an in situ basis or 17 billion tons if exploited by conventional underground methods. Areas south of Red Deer, near Pigeon Lake, southwest of Wabamun Lake, and east of Entwistle show greatest potential for future development.


Holter, M.E., Yurko, J.R. and Chu, M. (1975): Geology and coal reserves of the Ardley coal zone of central Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1975-07, 61 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, central alberta
Place Keywords NTS
82n, 82o, 82p, 83a, 83b, 83c, 83f, 83g, 83h, 83i, 83j
Theme Keywords
ardley coal zone, coal, coal reserves