Hydrogeology of the Edmonton area, (northeast segment), Alberta

Publication Type
Earth Sciences Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
ESR 1976-01
Publication ID Extended
Earth Sciences Report 1976-01

The northeast segment of the Edmonton map area (NTS 83H) covers about 1750 square miles (4500 km�) within the Eastern Alberta Plains physiographic region. It has a microthermal climate with long, cool summers and receives an average of 17 inches (430 mm) of precipitation annually, 70 percent as rain.

Glacial and postglacial deposits overlie a succession of Upper Cretaceous shales, siltstones, sandstones, and coals. Within these deposits, aquifers consisting of sand, sand and gravel, gravel, sandstone, and fractured coal and shale are capable of yielding groundwater at rates of up to 100 igpm (7.6 l/s).

Natural groundwater movement is of a complex nature, showing effects of both topography and permeability variations.

Hydrochemistry is highly variable, especially in surficial aquifers, but groundwater is generally of the sodium bicarbonate type with total dissolved solids between 1000 and 2000 ppm. More highly mineralized groundwater occurs locally (totally dissolved solids of up to 6000 ppm) and is either of the chloride or sulfate type. Many shallow wells completed in drift aquifers contain substantial amounts of nitrates.


Stein, R. (1976): Hydrogeology of the Edmonton area, (northeast segment), Alberta; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1976-01, 25 p.

Place Keywords
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords