The Zama-Bistcho Lakes map area, in northwestern Alberta, shares common boundaries with the province of British Columbia to the west and with the Northwest Territories to the north. Elevations range from less than 330 m (1100 ft) to about 830 m (2370 ft). The main discharge area is in the Zama-Hay Lakes lowland. The map area has several prominent hills: those found along the southern part of the map area, the unnamed ridge north of the town of Rainbow Lake, the Bootis Hill to the northwest, the unnamed hills south of Bistcho Lake, and the Cameron Hills to the northeast.
Groundwater potential in the surficial sediments is fair to excellent, both in terms of quantity and quality. Upper Cretaceous bedrock sediments are mainly shales, which are poor aquifers. Lower Cretaceous sediments, in particular the Bluesky-Gething Formation, have saline waters. Groundwater potential of the Paleozoic sediments is unknown, except that they contain saline waters.
Borneuf, D.M. and Pretula, B. (1980): Hydrogeology of the Zama-Bistcho Lakes area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1980-03, 10 p.