The Peace River area, located in northwestern Alberta, has little relief with the exception of the Whitemud Hills in the northwestern quarter of the map area. The Peace River valley cuts deeply into shales and sandstones of Upper Cretaceous age. Total annual precipitation varies from 355 to nearly 480 mm (14 to nearly 19 in) and the lowest amount of precipitation falls in the area immediately surrounding the town of Peace River.
Yields range from 0.4 L/s (5 igpm) in Upper Cretaceous sandstones to possibly 38 L/s (500 igpm) in the Grimshaw gravels to the northwest of the town of Peace River. Coarse alluvial sediments found in the Peace River valley at several locations may prove capable of yields of up to 7.6 L/s (100 igpm), and possibly higher.
Water of better quality is found generally in areas of recharge and the Grimshaw gravels; however, this is not true of all surficial sediments. No data are available for most of the area east of the Peace River.
Borneuf, D.M. (1981): Hydrogeology of the Peace River area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Earth Sciences Report 1981-02, 64 p.