The RADARSAT-1 images acquired by AGS are from different incidence angles and look directions. Therefore, moisture and surface roughness information can be extracted by applying algorithms that contrast differences caused by different incidence angles and look directions (ascending versus descending looks). The processed RADARSAT-1 images contain information on surface morphology, moisture and land-cover type, and are therefore useful in surficial geological mapping and complementary to optical satellite images, including Landsat and IRS. The IRS panchromatic image is used to sharpen the Landsat and processed RADARSAT-1 images to obtain a higher resolution. For sunshade relief, the SRTM DEM is fused with the sharpened images to enhance topographic patterns. Then, surficial geology and ice-flow reconstruction are interpreted from the processed images.
Mei, S., Fenton, M.M. and Paulen, R.C. (2005): Integration of remote-sensing and geological data as aids to mapping surficial sediments in northwestern Alberta; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Earth Sciences Report 2005-03, 55 p.