Subsurface geology and facies characterization of the Athabasca Wabiskaw-McMurray succession: Firebag-Sunrise area, northeastern Alberta (NTS 74D/74E)

Publication Type
Earth Sciences Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
ESR 2006-08
Publication ID Extended
Earth Sciences Report 2006-08
Publication Other

The present study is an extension of previous ongoing work in the Surface Mineable Area (SMA) of the Athabasca oil sands deposit by the Alberta Geological Survey and the Regional Geological Study (RGS) by the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board in the subsurface area south and northwest of the SMA. Specifically, what was done in the present work was to ascertain if the stratigraphic nomenclature, as developed in the RGS, applies to the SMA; and if so, what is the facies description and paleogeographic interpretation for that area. The area of focus for the project was the eastern part of the SMA, extending into the surrounding subsurface area. The study was divided into two parts: the southern area being covered by the Lewis-Fort McMurray Earth Sciences Report, and the present Firebag-Sunrise Earth Sciences Report, which lies to the north. To maintain consistency between the two parts of the study, a buffer area of overlap is included in both reports, from Township 93, Ranges 3 to 8 west of the 4th Meridian.


Hein, F.J., Cotterill, D.K., Weiss, J.A. and Berhane, H. (2007): Subsurface geology and facies characterization of the Athabasca Wabiskaw-McMurray succession: Firebag-Sunrise area, northeastern Alberta (NTS 74D/74E); Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Earth Sciences Report 2006-08, 73 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, northeast alberta
Place Keywords NTS
74d, 74e
Theme Keywords
athabasca, facies analysis, geology, mcmurray, subsurface, wabiskaw