This Geo-Note briefly presents some aspects of Quaternary geology of interest to mineral exploration. It is not a comprehensive document. Information is provided on the physiography, bedrock topography, drift thickness, Quaternary stratigraphy, surficial geology, features which differs significantly from other areas of exploration such as the Lac De Gras region. Types and sources of surface and subsurface data are also discussed.
Northern Alberta consists of a number of highlands separated by major drainage ways, many of which were essentially cut prior to the first glaciation. All of northern Alberta was covered by a number of glacial advances. The region is blanketed by drift, which may be up to 300 m thick in buried preglacial valleys. The stratigraphy of this drift is not well known due to a paucity of subsurface data. However drift includes, in places at least, multiple sheets with intertill and subtill glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial sediment.
Fenton, M.M. and Pawlowicz, J.G. (2000): Quaternary geology northern Alberta: information sources and implications for diamond exploration; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Geo-Note 2000-04, 21 p.