Baseline Discharge and Geochemistry of the Wiau Channel Springs, 1999 - 2001, Athabasca Oil Sands (in situ) Area, Alberta

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
GEO 2002-06
Publication ID Extended
Geo-Note 2002-06

The Alberta Geological Survey mapped a number of springs issuing from the bank of the Athabasca River at the presumed outcrop of the Wiau Channel Aquifer. Groundwater from the springs was sampled and analyses in the laboratory to confirm that they are discharging from this aquifer. A weir was installed on one of the major springs to determine base flow from the springs and to document discharge rates.

This report provides a site description, field methodology, field measurements and laboratory is results. Our preliminary interpretation is that the springs are indeed discharging from the Wiau Channel Aquifer.


Stewart, S.A. (2003): Baseline discharge and geochemistry of the Wiau channel springs, 1999 - 2001, Athabasca Oil Sands (in situ) area, Alberta; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Geo-Note 2002-06, 45 p.

Place Keywords NTS
73l, 73m, 74d, 74e, 83i, 83o, 83p, 84a, 84b, 84g, 84h
Theme Keywords
athabasca oil sands, geochemistry