Auger Core Lithologs, Sawn Lake area, Southern Buffalo Head Hills, Alberta

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
GEO 2005-07
Publication ID Extended
Geo-Note 2005-07

Pawlowicz, J.G., Fenton, M.M. and Weiss, J.A. (2005): Auger core lithologs, Sawn Lake area, southern Buffalo Head Hills, Alberta; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Geo-Note 2005-07, 49 p.


This report presents lithological descriptions from 11 auger coreholes drilled by the Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) during 2002 in the southern Buffalo Head Hills within the Sawn Lake map area (NTS 84B/13). The drilling was done to obtain information on the Quaternary stratigraphy and glacial dispersion of kimberlite mineral indicators within the Buffalo Head Hills kimberlite field. Drillholes were cored to depths of 11.6 to 43.6 m. Bedrock was recovered from seven of the auger holes. Drift was encountered in all holes and ranged in thickness from 2.2 to 43.6 m. A buried weathered zone indicates that two till units with significantly different ages are present. The core was logged in the field during drilling and later sampled for geochemical, texture and kimberlite-indicator mineral analyses. In addition, palynology samples were collected from the bedrock.

Place Keywords
alberta, buffalo head hills, canada, sawn lake
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
auger core, drill data, geology, kimberlite, lithology, quaternary