The workshop on Deepwell Disposal of Waste was held November 5-7, 1990 in the auditorium of the Alberta Research Council in Edmonton. This workshop was the result of a cooperative effort between Alberta Environment, ERCB and industry. Recognizing that it is a major opportunity the workshop was held to discuss issues. The major conclusion of the workshop was that deep well injection of wastes in Alberta was both environmentally and technically sound when properly operated and monitored. However, the workshop reached a number of conclusions, which it believed to be important. In addition, it was recognized that there were some additional things, which could be done to ensure regulators, industry and the public that the practice was reasonable and safe. Those conclusions and recommendations were drawn from the discussions and summaries provided by the workshop study groups.
Alberta Geological Survey (1991): Results from deepwell disposal workshop, November 7, 1991; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Information Series 118, 154 p.