Poster Presentations of Quaternary Studies in Northeastern British Columbia and Northwestern Alberta: Mineral Exploration Roundup 2005

Publication Type
Information Series
Surficial Geology
Publication ID
INF 131
Publication ID Extended
Information Series 131

This publication contains the presentations by Northern Resource Development Project 4450 participants (Geological Survey of Canada, Alberta Geological Survey and British Columbia Resource Development and Geoscience Branch) on various Quaternary geology topics currently being undertaken in northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta given at the Mineral Exploration Roundup 2005, Discovering Our Future, January 24-27, 2005.


Hickin, A.S. and Paulen, R.C., comp. (2005): Poster presentations of Quaternary studies in northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta: Mineral Exploration Roundup 2005; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Information Series 131, 21 p.

Place Keywords
bistcho lake, cameron hills, hay river, rainbow lake, zama lake
Place Keywords NTS
84k, 84l, 84m, 84n
Theme Keywords
aggregate, permafrost, quaternary, shallow gas, surficial geology