Frank Slide and Turtle Mountain Early Warning System Technical Tour Guidebook (NTS 82G)

Publication Type
Information Series
Turtle Mountain
Publication ID
INF 139
Publication ID Extended
Information Series 139

This document is a technical field guide for anyone visiting Turtle Mountain. It summarizes the various Turtle Mountain studies and the emergency response protocol. The summary provides an overview of the geology and failure mechanism of Turtle Mountain, including the characteristics of the hinge area, joints sets and rock mass condition. Also contained in this part, there are the interpreted potential rockslide scenarios along with calculated volumes.

The emergency response protocol section presents the structure required to provide an adequate warning and response for a rockslide, including a brief description of the data recording, data transfer, data review and warning communication methods.


Moreno, F., Jaboyedoff, M., Pedrazzini, A., Charriere, M. and Humair, F. (2011): Frank Slide and Turtle Mountain early warning system technical tour guidebook (NTS 82G); Energy Resources Conservation Board, ERCB/AGS Information Series 139, 19 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, crowsnest pass, frank slide, turtle mountain
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
geohazard, geology, instrumentation, rock mechanics, slope stability