Examples of Landslides and the Geological, Topographic, and Climatic Factors That Contribute to Landslide Susceptibilities in Alberta - A Cross-reference to the Explanatory Notes for AGS Map 605

Publication Type
Information Series
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
INF 148
Publication ID Extended
Information Series 148

This document highlights the common landslide types and examples in the Alberta Plains. It also describes the degree to which terrain can be affected by landslides by modelling a relationship between the spatial distribution of recognized landslides, and predisposing geological, topographic, and climate factors.

The content of this document is cross-referenced to the explanatory notes for the Relative Landslide Susceptibility Model of the Alberta Plains and Shield Regions (AGS Map 605).

A 2-page printable version of the AGS Map 605 at 1: 1 000 000 scale and explanatory notes in PDF format (32 x 50 inches per page) and the model result as gridded data (DIG 2016-0044) can be downloaded at no charge from the Alberta Geological Survey website at ags.aer.ca.


Pawley, S.M., Hartman, G.M.D. and Chao, D.K. (2017): Examples of landslides and the geological, topographic, and climatic factors that contribute to landslide susceptibilities in Alberta - a cross-reference to the explanatory notes for AGS Map 605; Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Information Series 148, 26 p.  

Place Keywords
alberta, canada
Theme Keywords
geology, geomorphology, land use planning, landslide susceptibility