Hydrogeological map of the Edmonton area (southeast segment), Alberta, NTS 83H

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
MAP 152
Publication ID Extended
Map 152

The Hydrogeological Map Series of Alberta provides 1:250000-scale hydrogeological maps over much of Alberta.� Through the use of colour, the maps and accompanying cross-sections�indicate the likely potential long-term yield of individual water wells by location and depth.� Through the use of symbols and accompanying concentration isopleth maps, the series also conveys the general water chemistry in terms of major ionic composition of dissolved species.� The maps were intended to assist industry and members of the public to quickly ascertain the likely quantity and quality of groundwater at any location or find locations where groundwater quantity and quality could probably meet expectations.� The maps do not directly show extents, limits, thickness, or connectivity of geological bodies or layers which behave as aquifers or aquitards.� The maps do not convey any information about present groundwater use, surface-groundwater interaction, recharge rates, groundwater age,�or cumulative impacts of pumping multiple wells.� The maps do not convey any information about groundwater contamination or groundwater resource vulnerability.� The maps are provided by AGS for information only.� Because they�have never been updated or maintained since originally published, no advice is provided�by AGS on their use, interpretation,�or suitability to current applications. More information about the series can be found in:

Toth, J., 1977.� The Hydrogeological Reconnaissance Maps of Alberta.� In: Alberta Research Council�Bulletin 35 - �Contributions to the Hydrogeology of Alberta, Alberta Research Council Groundwater Division, 1977, p.1-12.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, edmonton
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
geology, hydrogeology