Distribution of Total Dissolved Solids in the Swan Hills / Slave Point Hydrostratigraphic Unit

Publication Type
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
MAP 638
Publication ID Extended
Map 638
Publication Other

This map depicts the distribution of total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater in the Swan Hills / Slave Point hydrostratigraphic unit (HSU). The map is a result of an empirical Bayesian kriging technique using publicly available formation water chemistry data from oil and gas well drillstem tests and production fluids. The distribution of TDS was mapped at a regional scale using many years of data, thus providing a good indication of regional water chemistry within the HSU rather than site specific values. The uncertainty of prediction is depicted on an inset map, which shows the residual values (predicted value minus measured value) plotted at each location to indicate where underprediction or overprediction occurs. Two additional inset maps show the distribution of hydraulic heads and the results of water driving force analysis, respectively. The geometry and variable thickness of the Swan Hills / Slave Point HSU are illustrated on schematic cross-sections, and the relationship between geological units is further described in an accompanying regional lithostratigraphic and hydrostratigraphic table.


Brinsky, J. and Rabbani, A. (2023); Distribution of total dissolved solids in the Swan Hills / Slave Point hydrostratigraphic unit; Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Map 638, scale 1:3 000 000.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada
Place Keywords NTS
72e, 72l, 72m, 73d, 73e, 73l, 73m, 74d, 74e, 74l, 74m, 82g, 82h, 82i, 82j, 82n, 82o, 82p, 83a, 83b, 83c, 83d, 83e, 83f, 83g, 83h, 83i, 83j, 83k, 83l, 83m, 83n, 83o, 83p, 84a, 84b, 84c, 84d, 84e, 84f, 84g, 84h, 84i, 84j, 84k, 84l, 84m, 84n, 84o, 84p
Theme Keywords
concentration, geochemistry, groundwater chemistry, hydrogeology, slave point formation, swan hills formation, total dissolved solids