Dinosaur Provincial Park Campground Model, Generalized for Minecraft (Minecraft format)

Publication Type
Geological Framework, Minecraft
Publication ID
Model 2017-01
Publication ID Extended
Model 2017-01
Publication Other

The Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) has developed this 3D geological model of the Dinosaur Provincial Park campground area in Minecraft format to engage with people of all ages as they explore Alberta’s subsurface in a whole new way. This model brings robust scientific information generated from our 3D Geological Framework models into an interactive gaming platform, allowing users to mine through the subsurface and discover Alberta's geology.

This model contains several features to explore within Dinosaur Provincial Park, including

  • the Red Deer River,
  • buildings (Dinosaur Provincial Park Visitor Center, the Cretaceous Café, and Fossil Houses),
  • points of interest (campground site, boat launch, roads, bridge, and look-out areas),
  • 5 hiking trails,
  • generalized geological units (Quaternary sediments, Dinosaur Park Formation, Oldman Formation, Foremost Formation, and Lea Park Formation), and
  • dinosaur  bone beds within the surrounding rock for users to find, dig, and explore.

The model is shown using a 2 times vertical exaggeration, and each Minecraft block represents approximately 5 m x 5 m x 2.5 m in the real world.

Use of this Minecraft model requires the installation of Minecraft software to view the model.


MacCormack, T.J. and Galloway, E.J. (2017): Dinosaur Provincial Park campground model, generalized for Minecraft (Minecraft format); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Model 2017-01.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, dinosaur provincial park
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
3d models, dinosaur park formation, geology, geoscience, interactive model, minecraft