The purpose of this report is to make recommendations regarding methods of dewatering of the overburden on the G.C.O.S. lease. I have made no attempt at any financial evaluation of the procedures. It was felt that this could not adequately be done without intimate knowledge of the necessary financial restraints. I have attempted to outline as clearly as possible the necessary equipment, construction and operating procedures for the various dewatering options available so that a proper cost analysis can be made.
Some previous work was done by Alain Kahil (1968a, 1968b, 1969), a graduate student in Geology at the University of Alberta. I am in possession of his work and have reviewed it thoroughly. This report, however, is the result of my own analysis of the available data and I feel in no way committed to any previous recommendations, formal or informal, by the former worker.
Published references utilized include Luthin (1966), Glover (1966), Clark (1960), Linckens (1965), Thornthwaite (1957), and Walton (1962). I will refrain from extensive definitions of hydrogeologic terms and refer the reader to Todd (1959) and Davis and DeWiest (1966).
Hackbarth, D.A. (1971): Summary report, dewatering scheme for overburden of Great Canadian Oil Sands, Fort McMurray, Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Open File Report 1971-10, 80 p.