Bernard, D. (1977): Hydrogeology of highway corridors, Jasper National Park; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1977-08, 36 p.
Hydrogeological mapping was carried out in the highway corridors of Jasper National Park. A set of eleven 1:50 000 hydrogeological maps and seven profiles are presented. These show qualitative estimates of well yields based on geology, aquifer thickness, assumed permeability, spring discharge rates and topographic position. Geology and hydrochemistry are also presented on the maps.
The use of groundwater for water supply is very feasible within most valley areas of Jasper National Park. An excellent aquifer consisting of recent deposits of sand and gravel occurs in the Athabasca River valley. Wells completed in this unit can yield greater than 10 l/s. Other surficial deposits such as colluvium and till may produce yields up to approximately 10 l/s. Bedrock formations are generally poor aquifers.