Investigations of relatively deep coal resources of southeastern Alberta show that four Upper Cretaceous coal zones are of interest. Two zones in the Foremost Formation, the McKay and overlying Taber, are widespread throughout the area. Seams are generally thin although coal beds in the Taber zone are locally thick in the Lake Newell, Medicine Hat and Pakowki Lake areas.
The Lethbridge zone, a prominent coal horizon at the top of the Oldman Formation, is present on both east and west flanks of the Sweetgrass Arch. It shows significant development for commercial interest only on the west flank of the structure, in the Lethbridge area.
Coal seams associated with the Horseshoe Canyon Formation are thick in a region north of Tp. 17. Cross sections illustrate structural and stratigraphic relationships of the Upper Cretaceous strata, emphasizing the character of the included coal zones. Coal seam thickness maps are presented including indications of the best seam thickness and the aggregate footages of all seams 3 feet or more thick, in each testhole.
Holter, M.E. and Chu, M. (1977): Geology and coal resources of southeastern Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1978-13, 42 p.