Scollard Member Coal, Alix Area. Drilling Report, 1981.

Publication Type
Open File Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
OFR 1982-09
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 1982-09

The Alberta Geological Survey, a department of the Alberta Research Council (ARC), in its third year of a five year contract with the Alberta Energy and Natural Resources (AENR), investigated the coal resources and related stratigraphy of the Scollard Member in the Alix area northeast of the city of Red Deer.

This report discusses methods of preparations and operations (drilling and logging) which are similar to those used in previous years. Also included are cost analysis of the drilling program and a drill graph for each of the twenty-nine test holes drilled.

Drilling operations started on June 1 and were completed on July 7. During this period twenty-nine test holes were successfully completed in twenty-three working days. Good weather, competent drilling personnel and excellent drilling equipment contributed greatly to a very successful drilling season.


Bosman, A. (1982): Scollard Member coal, Alix area. Drilling report, 1981; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1982-09, 52 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, alix, canada
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
coal, scollard member