Judith River Coal, Brooks Area Drilling Report, 1983

Publication Type
Open File Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
OFR 1984-22
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 1984-22

The Alberta Geological Survey, presently in its final year of a second five year contract with Alberta Energy and Natural Resources (AENR) to evaluate plains coal resources investigated the Judith River Formation in the Brooks area of south-central Alberta during 1983. The program was also to provide subsurface information to ongoing outcrop studies in the Dinosaur Provincial Park situated about 35 km northeast from the town of Brooks.

This report discusses methods of preparation and operation (drilling, coring, geophysical logging and drillsite reclamation), and presents a program evaluation with recommendations. A cost analysis and drilling statistics are also included.

Drilling operations started on June 6, and were completed on July 18. During this period twenty-four test holes were drilled and four other test holes cored in twenty-nine 12-hour shifts. Drilling of test holes went well, but some coring problems were experienced in three core holes. Nevertheless, all program objectives were met within budget and within the projected time frame.


Bosman, A. (1983): Judith River coal, Brooks area: Drilling report, 1983; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1984-22, 27 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, brooks, judith river
Place Keywords NTS
72l, 82i
Theme Keywords