Alluvial Gold Project, North Saskatchewan River, Alberta

Publication Type
Open File Report
Mineral Resources
Publication ID
OFR 1984-29
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 1984-29

The objectives were: 1) to develop a methodology for the representative sampling of alluvial placer gold deposits; 2) to determine if the methodology was viable by testing it in an area known to contain gold; 3) to determine if a relationship exists between recent alluvial concentrations of gold in the North Saskatchewan River and the proximity of the Vegreville preglacial channel.


MacGillivray, J.R., Sham, P.C. and Boisvert, D.R. (1984): Alluvial gold project, North Saskatchewan River, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1984-29, 38 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
gold, placer gold, minerals