The aggregate material present in the north half of Peerless Lake (84B) map area was studied in 1986 to provide information on the distribution and characteristics of the resource. The study area is approximately 4500 km2 in size and was investigated at the enhanced reconnaissance level. The program consisted of compiling existing information, air photo interpretation plus some site and laboratory analyses. Sand and gravel material is not abundant in the area and is distributed unevenly. Major sand and gravel deposits are kame, esker, and meltwater channel features located in the northeast corner of the map area, scattered in the east half and concentrated along a line through Range 6 from Township 87 to 91. A beach deposit of dirty, oxidized, gravelly sand is located north of an unnamed lake southeast of Kidney Lake. Recent sediments have little promise for aggregate exploitation.
Scafe, D.W., Ray, C.M. and Sham, P.C. (1987): Sand and gravel resources of the Peerless Lake (north half of 84B) map area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1987-01, 48 p.