The aggregate material present in the Rocky Mountain House (83B) and Calgary (82O) map areas were studied in 1986 to provide information on the distribution and characteristics of the resources. The study area is 12,890 km2 in size and was investigated at a reconnaissance level. The program consisted of compiling existing information, air photo interpretation, plus some site and laboratory analyses. Sand and gravel materials are distributed unevenly and are of variable quality.
The major deposits of sand and gravel are concentrated along the North Saskatchewan, Red Deer and Clearwater Rivers. These deposits are of glaciofluvial valley train (higher terrace) and Recent alluvial (valley floor) origin and contain the highest quality resources. At elevations higher than the major break in slope above the valley floor, sand and gravel deposits are scattered. Ice contact material is dispersed throughout the study area. A major kame complex located south of Ancona and further investigation is recommended. Outwash and meltwater channel deposits also are disseminated widely throughout the study area. Small deposits of low quality material are present in low terraces and flood plains along the James, Baptiste, Nordegg and Brazeau Rivers. Eolian sand is widespread in the northwest part of the map area but has little economic value.
Scafe, D.W. and Sham, P.C. (1987): Sand and gravel resources of the Rocky Mountain House (west three quarters of 83B) and Calgary (north-central of 82O) map areas, AB; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1987-03, 238 p