The south half of Chinchaga River (84E) map sheet was studied in 1987 to provide information on the distribution and characteristics of the aggregate resource. The study area is approximately 2480 km2 in size and was investigated at the enhanced reconnaissance level. The program consisted of compiling existing information, air photo interpretation, field evaluation of some sites and laboratory analyses. Sand and gravel is limited in the area. Major sand and gravel deposits currently exploited are of tertiary age from pits at Mile 41 and northeast and south of Hotchkiss Airport. In addition, alluvial material at the intersection of the Chinchaga Forestry Road. Tertiary gravels occur at elevations of 2900' and 3200'. Using this as an exploration model, two new deposits were discovered south of the Chinchaga Forestry Road. Alluvial material also is present in the Hotchkiss and Meikle River Valleys.
Scafe, D.W., Edwards, W.A.D. and Boisvert, D.R. (1988): Sand and gravel resources of the Chinchaga River (south half of 84E) map area, Alberta; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1988-15, 31 p.