Production of sand and gravel in Alberta is recorded as early as 1922 when $222, 091 was produced (Research Council of Alberta, 1934). The overall importance and demand for gravel and concern about dwindling supplies has long been understood by the Alberta Research Council (formerly Research Council of Alberta).
Sand and gravel information published prior to 1970 was included in general geological reports or contained in surficial geology reports. Pre 1970 reports are included in this index only if they contain specific sand and gravel data. The first sand and gravel information published by the Research Council of Alberta was in 1928 (Rutherford). Between 1970 and 1976 several reports specific sand and gravel resources were produced by the Alberta Research Council and beginning in 1976 an inventory focusing on sand and gravel was started. Support for the sand and gravel inventory comes largely through the Alberta Department of Forestry, Lands and Wildlife. General geology or surficial geology reports are not included in the post 1976 list of publications.
Edwards, W.A.D. and Chao, D.K. (1989): Bibliographic index and overview of aggregate resource publications; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1989-13, 94 p.