The east half of Pelican (83P) and the west half of Winefred Lake (73M) map sheets were studied in 1988 to determine the distribution and characteristics of the sand and gravel resources. The study area is approximately 14025 km in size and was investigated at an enhanced reconnaissance level. The program consisted of compiling existing information, air photo interpretation, field evaluation of key sites, laboratory analyses, reevaluation of air photos and final assessment. Sand and gravel is limited in the area. Most deposits are predominantly sand. Major sand and gravel deposits currently exploited are glaciofluvial in origin. These deposits are in the vicinity of the towns of Amesbury and Wandering River and at the intersection of Highway 63 and the House River. A reconnaissance level study , with no field checks, was performed in the southeastern quarter of map area 73M north of the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range. Sand and gravel deposits appear to be limited in this area as well and are assumed to be composed mostly of sand.
Scafe, D.W., Edwards, W.A.D. and Boisvert, D.R. (1989): Sand and gravel resources of the Wandering River area; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1991-01