This study is part of a program initiated in 1976 by the Alberta Research Council (ARC) and Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife (AFLW) to provide information on the sand and gravel resources of the Province of Alberta. The area of the study (figure 1), level of detail and roles of the participants were determined by representatives of the Public Lands Division (AFLW), the Municipal District of Provost No. 52, Alberta Transportation and Utilities (AT&U) and the Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) a department of ARC at a meeting on September 13, 1989.
A reconnaissance level study (level 5 on figure 2) of the eastern half of the Municipal District was completed by the AGS. The initial airphoto interpretation of the area (AGS) was funded by the Public Lands Division (AFLW). A map identifying potential sand and gravel deposits was provided to the Municipal District of Provost No. 52, in October of 1989. The testing and sampling of any or all deposits which the M.D. feels has potential, with the assistance of the AT&U, will follow when the M.D. equipment and personnel are available.
The eastern half of the M.D. of Provost No. 52 is located on the Alberta - Saskatchewan border, in NTS sheet 73E within Townships 36 and 37, Ranges 1 to 3, Townships 38 to 41, Ranges 1 to 5 and Township 42, Range 5, W4thM. Total area is approximately 2060 square kilometers. The major population centre in the study area is the Town of Provost.
Edwards, W.A.D. and Scafe, D.W. (1990): Sand and gravel resources of the east half of the Municipal District of Provost, number 52; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1991-05, 90 p.