Sand and Gravel Resources of the Peace River Area

Publication Type
Open File Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
OFR 1991-21
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 1991-21

A portion of Peace River (84C) map sheet was studied in 1988 to determine the distribution and characteristics of the sand and gravel resource. The study area, approximately 3250 km2 in size, is investigated at two levels of detail. Approximately 830 km2 is covered at a regional mapping level and the remainder is covered at an enhanced reconnaissance level. The program consisted of compiling existing information, air photo interpretation, field evaluation of all sites and laboratory analyses of samples collected. Terraces along the Peace River are major prospects for sand and gravel but there is not nearly as much gravel in the terraces as believed previously. Glaciofluvial deposits northwest of Cadotte Lake are predominantly sand.


Scafe, D.W., Edwards, W.A.D. and Boisvert, D.R. (1989): Sand and gravel resources of the Peace River area; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1991-21, 58 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, peace river
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
gravel, resources, sand