The Diamond Potential of Alberta: A Regional Synthesis of the Structural and Stratigraphic Setting, and Other Preliminary Indications of Diamond Potential

Publication Type
Open File Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
OFR 1994-10
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 1994-10

The primary objectives of this study were to identify favourable geological anomalies and target areas for diamond exploration that would act to encourage industry to explore in Alberta, and to provide selected geological, geophysical and geochemical data that would assist industry in their exploration for diamonds in Alberta. We believe the following text, figures, tables and appendices provide much information and data that will be useful to industry in their exploration of Alberta for diamondiferous deposits.


Dufresne, M.B., Olson, R.A., Schmitt, D.R., McKinstry, B.Eccles, D.R., Fenton, M.M., Pawlowicz, J.G., Edwards, W.A.D. and Richardson, R.J.H. (1994): The diamond potential of Alberta: a regional synthesis of the structural and stratigraphic setting, and other preliminary indications of diamond potential; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1994-10, 386 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada
Place Keywords NTS
72e, 72l, 72m, 73d, 73e, 73l, 73m, 74d, 74e, 74l, 74m, 82g, 82h, 82i, 82j, 82n, 82o, 82p, 83a, 83b, 83c, 83d, 83e, 83f, 83g, 83h, 83i, 83j, 83k, 83l, 83m, 83n, 83o, 83p, 84a, 84b, 84c, 84d, 84e, 84f, 84g, 84h, 84i, 84j, 84k, 84l, 84m, 84n, 84o, 84p
Theme Keywords
diamond exploration, geology, kimberlite, lamproite