The Peace River sand deposit has been known and recognized for many years as a potential source of high-grade silica sand. Considerable exploration drilling and investigation of the deposit has been done, mostly in the past 12 years; however, no conclusive quality tests for specific industrial silica markets were made. The market of primary interest for the present study is frac sand. If a source of frac sand were to be developed in Alberta, it could replace large tonnages now being imported from sources as far away as Minnesota and Texas.
This study undertook to provide authenticated data on silica sand and quality in the deposit with respect to frac sand use, and to indicate whether further evaluation work would be warranted. Hardy BBT Limited and the Alberta Research Council for the current owner, Peace River Silica Sand Limited, conducted the study jointly.
Alberta Geological Survey (1989): Frac sand evaluation Peace River silica sand deposit, final report; Alberta Research Council, ARC/AGS Open File Report 1998-08, 109 p.