Implementation of a Web-GIS Application for the Turtle Mountain Monitoring Project in ArcGIS Server 9.2

Publication Type
Open File Report
Landslide, Turtle Mountain
Publication ID
OFR 2009-05
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 2009-05

Chao, D.K., Chowdhury, S., Moreno, F. and Froese, C.R. (2009): Implementation of a Web-GIS application for the Turtle Mountain Monitoring Project with ArcGIS Server 9.2; Energy Resources Conservation Board, ERCB/AGS Open File Report 2009-05, 81 p.


Alberta Geological Survey created a Web-GIS application for the Turtle Mountain Monitoring Project to improve the public's awareness of the hazards from the mountain, the effects to the surrounding communities, and the Alberta government's efforts to lessen any future damage.

This application is a user-friendly web interface for the public to see and manipulate data of the area. You can turn on map layers, retrieve data, create charts and print maps.

Implementation of the design was challenging. It was our first attempt to create a customized Web-GIS application with ArcGIS Server and Web ADF in .NET . In addition, this application incorporates many GIS functions created by the user community, a non-GIS charting tool and a 3D visualization tool.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, frank slide, turtle mountain
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
geographic information systems, geohazard, geology, geotechnical, gis, landslides