Surficial Geology and Quaternary History of the High Prairie Area, Alberta (NTS 83N/SE)

Publication Type
Open File Report
Published Date
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
OFR 2009-07
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 2009-07

This report describes the distribution, character and origin of surficial materials in the High Prairie map area NTS 83N/SE and discusses the Quaternary history of the region. The High Prairie map area is west of Lesser Slave Lake, and comprises the Swan Hills Upland in the south, and the broad lowlands of the Sturgeon, Falher and High Prairie plains in the north.

Widespread till and associated streamlined landforms document the southward advance of the Laurentide Ice Sheet across the High Prairie area during Late Wisconsinan glaciation. This advance subsumed the High Prairie region, including local uplands, and deposited two major till facies and associated landforms across much of the map area. These sediment-landform associations document former ice sheet dynamics and provide further insight into regional stratigraphy and landscape evolution.


Atkinson, N. (2008): Surficial geology and Quaternary history of the High Prairie area (NTS 83N/SE); Energy Resources Conservation Board, ERCB/AGS Open File Report 2009-07, 27 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, High Prairie, lesser slave lake
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
depositional environment, fluted moraine, geology, geomorphology, glacial sediment, lithofacies, quaternary geology, surficial mapping, surficial sediment, till