Measured Outcrop Section T17-R3W4-01 of the Foremost, Oldman and Dinosaur Park Formations (Belly River Group), White Rock Coulee, South Saskatchewan River Valley, Southeastern Alberta (NTS 72L/08)

Publication Type
Open File Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
OFR 2011-04
Publication ID Extended
Open File Report 2011-04

Hathway, B., Banks, C.J. and Hay, D.C. (2011): Measured outcrop section T17-R3W4-01 of the Foremost, Oldman and Dinosaur Park formations (Belly River Group), White Rock Coulée, South Saskatchewan River valley, southeastern Alberta (NTS 72L/08); Energy Resources Conservation Board, ERCB/AGS Open File 2011-04, 14 p.


In this report, we present data on a Belly River Group outcrop section located on the eastern side of the South Saskatchewan River valley, 50 km north-northeast of Medicine Hat, Alberta. Measured outcrop section T17-R3W4-01 includes the uppermost part of the Foremost Formation, a complete section through the Oldman Formation and the lower part of the Dinosaur Park Formation. The report includes a graphic log of the measured section, with an outcrop gamma-ray curve; a detailed description of the section (avoiding lithofacies interpretation but detailing stratigraphic context where appropriate) with selected photos; and the results of biostratigraphic work on a sample from the Foremost Formation.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada, medicine hat, southeast alberta
Place Keywords NTS
Theme Keywords
belly river group, campanian, dinosaur park formation, foremost formation, geology, oldman formation, outcrop, stratigraphy, upper cretaceous