The Peace River lowlands of Alberta and British Columbia are one of the most historically active mass-movement areas of Western Canada. Urban areas, such as the town of Peace River, and their associated infrastructure, have been and, continue to be, affected by these movements. The Alberta Geological Survey (AGS), with the support of various stakeholders, initiated a multidisciplinary geohazard study of the town of Peace River, Alberta, to develop a better understanding of the type and extent of landsliding within the Peace River valley (Froese, 2007).
The results of this report will provide stakeholders with additional information to aid municipal planning decisions and reduce the landslide hazards posed to the population and infrastructure within the bounds of the study area. This open file report provides a geological framework for large landslides within the Peace River valley at the town of Peace River and provides details of the development of a bedrock topography model and the corresponding surficial terrain model. Field-based mapping of the Quaternary stratigraphy overlying the bedrock surface is outlined, as well as an interpretation of the results of a drill program conducted in December 2008.
Morgan, A.J., Paulen, R.C., Slattery, S.R. and Froese, C.R. (2012): Geological setting for large landslides at the Town of Peace River, Alberta (NTS 84C); Energy Resources Conservation Board, ERCB/AGS OFR 2012-04, 33 p.