Within the town of Fort McMurray, the Upper Devonian Moberly Member (Waterways Formation, Beaverhill Lake Group) outcrops along the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers. Major lithologies of the Moberly Member include bedded to nodular argillaceous limestones, Thalassinoides-burrowed limestone, and a stromatoporoid and brachiopod limestone. Lithostratigraphic correlation indicates that the oldest strata outcrop at the water treatment plant locality, and the youngest strata outcrop at the downstream-most location on MacDonald Island Park. Structural observations suggest that the investigated outcrops occur on the southern limb of a single 5+ km syncline or dome. Two smaller scales of parasitic folds occur at the Athabasca River and water treatment plant outcrops.
Schneider C.L., Grobe, M. and Hein, F.J. (2013): Geology of the Upper Devonian Moberly Member outcrops (Waterways Formation, Beaverhill Lake Group) in Fort McMurray, Alberta (NTS 74D/11); Energy Resources Conservation Board, ERCB/AGS Open File Report 2012-19, 30 p.