Since its inception in 1920, the Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) has drilled several thousand boreholes across the province. They were mainly drilled in the unconsolidated sediments overlying the top of bedrock. In 2010, AGS staff began a project to systematically compile all of our borehole and depth interval descriptions into a database. This Open File Report and its companion Digital Data product, DIG 2014-0012, are the interim results of that project.
The open file report contains a brief description of our compilation methodology and scanned PDFs of the lithologs themselves, if they are still on file at the AGS. In addition, most of the holes were drilled as part of a project, so there are overviews of each of the project data subsets that provide context and other relevant information not presented at the individual borehole level. The scanned lithologs are grouped into subfolders by project together with this report in a ZIP file.
Waters, E.J. and Andriashek, L.D. (2014): Compilation of boreholes drilled or logged by the Alberta Geological Survey; Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Open File Report 2014-06, 10 p.