This report documents the construction of Model 2019-02, containing two 3D property models for the Duvernay Formation, which exists across central Alberta, except where the stratigraphically equivalent Leduc Formation reefs are located. The Duvernay Formation is separated into the West Shale Basin (WSB) and the East Shale Basin (ESB) and we modelled the basins separately due to the differences in depositional and petrophysical properties between the basins. The models exclude the Leduc Formation reefs.
The WSB and ESB 3D models cover approximately 86, 532 km2 and 34, 984 km2 respectively, and cover the entire thickness of the Duvernay Formation. The skeleton of the 3D models builds on the work from the 3D Provincial Geological Framework Model of Alberta V.1 (3D PGFM v1) for the Duvernay Formation with more detailed internal architecture and modelled properties including; petrophysical analysis of data from oil and gas wells of total porosity (PHIT), total organic carbon (TOC) and carbonate fraction, as well as production data which includes temperature and pressure gradients, condensate to gas ratios (CGR), and gas to oil ratios (GOR). The populated properties build on previous work represented in two-dimensions (2D) by Lyster et al. 2017.
Following the 3D PGFM v1 methodology, we created the models in Schlumberger’s Petrel 2015 (Petrel) and exported them in non-proprietary formats for use in other software. A series of datasets from the 3D model are available for download in the form of deconstructed model products and digital data including:
• the Petrel project file,
• a deconstructed model dataset composed of discrete and continuous model horizons as Esri format grids, and zone model extent shapefiles,
• populated model properties as point data in ASCII format, and
• an iMOD model dataset package
All of the standard format digital datasets can be viewed in iMOD (see Section 7.2) an open source software and Petrel, enabling users to visualize rotate, slice, explode, and toggle data on and off in 3D. The iMOD software provides users with an interactive geospatial environment where end users can manipulate 3D geological models and import their own geospatially referenced subsurface and surface data into it.
Marshall, F.H., Corlett, H.J., Lyster, S. and Berhane, H. (2019): Three-dimensional property modelling of the Duvernay Formation in Alberta; Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Open File Report 2018-11, 47 p.