This report supports a 3D geological model of the west-central Alberta study area. It introduces the processes used to create the dataset used in the model, and defines the process involved in creating the model.
The model was created in partial fulfillment of the Alberta Geological Survey’s (AGS) Geological Framework objective of mapping the subsurface geology of Alberta. Model data were generated by correlating and mapping geological surfaces representing formation, member, or group tops in the subsurface. Sources of information used to generate pick data include: wireline logs, drill core, and previous work published in the area. A total of 49 geological surfaces were mapped using an average well spacing of one quarter section or less. The datasets of formation tops were modelled as 2.5D surfaces and evaluated for outlier data. These high quality datasets and accompanying surfaces were imported into a 3D modelling program where they were compiled and integrated into a 3D model, characterizing the subsurface geology.
This geological model adds to our current understanding by clarifying complex stratigraphic relationships and important geological features or anomalies that are present in west-central Alberta.
Corlett, H.J., Playter, T.L., Babakhani, M., Hathway, B., Peterson, J.T. and MacCormack, K.E. (2019): Regional stratigraphic correlation and 3D geological modelling of west-central Alberta; Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Open File Report 2019-04, 53 p.