In west-central Alberta, particularly the area centred on the town of Fox Creek, the oil and gas industry is developing unconventional resource plays in the Duvernay and Montney formations. Multi-stage hydraulic fracturing has led to an increase in water demand, which has been sourced from both surface water and shallow groundwater in the early stages of development. However, the Alberta government encourages the use of saline groundwater or alternative non-saline water sources, meaning that industry should consider deep aquifers. To better define groundwater conditions in the Fox Creek area, hydrogeological mapping of saline formations has been completed by the Alberta Geological Survey (AGS). The study area extends from Twp. 70 Rge. 5W6 in the northwest corner to Twp. 52 Rge. 7W5 in the southeast corner.
Hydrogeological Mapping of Saline Formations in the Fox Creek Area, West-Central Alberta
Publication Type
Water Resource
Publication ID
PRS 2017-002
Publication ID Extended
Presentation 2017-002
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists - Geoconvention 2017
Place Keywords
alberta, canada, fox creek, west-central alberta
Place Keywords NTS
83e, 83f, 83g, 83j, 83k, 83l
Theme Keywords
aquifers, formation waters, geology, groundwater, groundwater flow, hydrogeological, hydrogeology, mapping, saline