This report contains a preliminary study of most of the minerals, which are known to occur in Alberta, in so far as the geological history is known. Much has yet to be done, and considerable field investigation must be carried out before the extent of the mineral resources of the Province of Alberta can be determined.
The details given in this report on each of the minerals consist essentially of a compilation of all available information, which has been abstracted from numerous reports and publications of the Geological Survey and the Mines Branch of Canada, and from various scientific journals. A field examination of some of the deposits was commenced in 1919, and the results obtained are also included in this first report on the mineral resources of the province. It is proposed to carry on detailed field surveys on various mineral deposits, commencing this summer, and these results will be published in succeeding reports. It must, therefore, be understood that the information contained in this report is preliminary in its scope, and that complete information will not be available until further field studies, and in some cases laboratory research studies, have been undertaken.
An attempt has been made in this report to summarize, and bring up to date, all available information that has been previously published on our mineral resources. This compilation entailed the perusal o hundreds of volumes, and the abstraction of summarizing of facts and details. In this work Miss Grace A. Stewart, assistant in the Department of Geology at the University of Alberta, rendered valuable assistance.
In many cases the earlier reports have been summarized, or briefly abstracted, but in the case of some reports whole pages, sometimes several pages, have been copied. Accompanying the notes on most of the minerals mentioned is a bibliography to which reference may be made if fuller details are required.
It will also be noted that in the case of certain mineral deposits known occurrences are mentioned, which are located beyond the northern boundary of the province in the Mackenzie Basin or in eastern British Columbia, but in these cases opening up such deposits would be by way of transportation lines through Alberta.
During the season of 1919, special attention was given to occurrences of iron, in an attempt to determine if ore could be procured in or close to this province, which might be manufactured in Alberta where natural fuel as coal and natural gas is abundant. The notes on iron are therefore given in fuller detail in this report.
Allan, J.A. (1920): First annual report on the mineral resources of Alberta; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Report 01, 101 p.