Allan, J.A. and Cameron, A.R. (1923): Fourth annual report on the mineral resources of Alberta, 1922, part II - An occurrence of iron on Lake Athabaska; Research Council of Alberta, RCA/AGS Report 07, 41 p.
The occurrence of iron-bearing rocks has been reported from time to time along the north shore of Lake Athabasca, since J.B. Tyrrell made the earliest geological surveys of that district in 1893. In 1921 renewed interest arose from reports and specimens brought by Messrs. E.A. and N.C. Butterfield. As an iron deposit with economic possibilities would tend to build up a basic mining industry which would have a direct effect on the industrial development throughout western Canada, and as this district is accessible only by way of the western end of lake Athabasca, Athabasca river, and the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway, the government of the province of Alberta considered it advisable that an investigation should be made of this occurrence, although the particular area does not lie within its province. The writers between The 24th of July and The 11th of August 1922 carried out the necessary fieldwork.