Geochemical, Mineralogical & Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Electron Microprobe Data from Silts, Heavy Mineral Concentrates & Waters from a National Geochemical Reconnaissance Stream Sediment & Water Survey in the Northern & Southwestern Buffalo Head Hills

Publication Type
Special Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
SPE 076
Publication ID Extended
Special Report 076

A regional stream sediment and water geochemical survey was undertaken in the northern and southwestern part of the Buffalo Head Hills in 2004. The 2004 data are part of an ongoing survey of the Buffalo Head Hills area initiated in 2001. This National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) project contributes to Alberta's plan for a multi-year, multi-disciplinary study in the northern part of the province.

Analytical data accompany this document for 49 elements in stream sediments, 50 elements in heavy mineral concentrates, and 60 variables in waters from 122 sites sampled in 2004. The Geological Survey of Canada, under the Targeted Geoscience Initiative II (TGI II) and Northern Resources Development Program, and the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board/Alberta Geological Survey (EUB/AGS), funded the 2004 survey.


McCurdy, M.W., Prior, G.J., Friske, P.W.B., McNeil, R.J., Day, S.J.A. and Nicoll, T.J. (2005): Geochemical, mineralogical & kimberlite indicator mineral electron microprobe data from silts, heavy mineral concentrates & waters from a National Geochemical Reconnaissance stream sediment and water survey in the northern & southwestern Buffalo Head Hills, northern Alberta; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Special Report 76, 17 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, buffalo head hills, canada
Place Keywords NTS
84b, 84c, 84f, 84g
Theme Keywords
geochemistry, geology, heavy minerals, national geochemical reconnaissance, stream sediments, water