Publication Type
Special Report
Surficial Geology
Publication ID
SPE 077
Publication ID Extended
Special Report 077
This report presents the results of heavy mineral and geochemical analyses conducted on samples of glacial sediments collected in northwest Alberta. This study was undertaken as part of a collaborative project between the Alberta Geological Survey (Alberta Energy and Utilities Board) and the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) designed to assess the regional occurrence of kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) in glacial deposits.
Plouffe, A., Paulen, R.C. and Smith, I.R. (2006): Geochemistry and heavy mineral content of glacial sediments from northwest Alberta (NTS 84L, M): new opportunities for mineral exploration; Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, EUB/AGS Special Report 77, 29 p.
Place Keywords
alberta, cameron hills, chateh, fort nelson lowland, high level, rainbow lake, zama city
Place Keywords NTS
84l, 84m
Theme Keywords
drift prospecting, geochemistry, glacial till, glaciofluvial deposits, heavy minerals, quaternary, surficial geology