The Alberta Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada have conducted cooperative reconnaissance-scale sampling of tills, stream sediments and waters in northern Alberta to assess potential for kimberlite (diamonds), base metals and other economic minerals since 2001. Significant results from heavy mineral and geochemical surveys indicate the possibility of base metal deposits hosted within Cretaceous shale bedrock and have expanded the area with potential for kimberlite in north-central Alberta.
This report includes data from two separate geochemical surveys in the Clear Hills, Alberta. A geochemical orientation survey was carried out in 2004 north of Worsley to determine the availability and characteristics of sample sites in the southern Clear Hills. The silt-sized fraction from 31 stream sediment sites, the sand-sized fraction from 12 of these sites and waters from 29 stream sites were collected and analyzed. Using the same field methods, a geochemical reconnaissance-survey, falling mainly within the watersheds of the Hotchkiss and upper Notikewin rivers in the northeastern Clear Hills, was completed in 2005. During this time, silt and water samples were collected from 142 sites and bulk sand-sized fraction samples from 81 of these sites (Fig. 1). The GSC, under the Northern Resources Development Program, and the AGS funded the work carried out in 2004 and 2005.
The location of the orientation survey north of Worsley was selected based on proximity to the Clear Hills iron deposit. The Hotchkiss River survey was carried out to evaluate the potential for base and precious metal mineralization and kimberlite in a previously unexplored area of northwestern Alberta.
Analytical and mineralogical data from a total of 173 sites sampled in 2004 and 2005 are included in this report.
McCurdy, M.W., Prior, G.J., Day, S.J.A., Weiss, J.A., Friske, P.W.B., Pawlowicz, J.G., McNeil, R.J., Hathway, B., Wilson, R.S. and Goulet, D.E. (2008): Geochemical, mineralogical and kimberlite indicator mineral electron microprobe data from silts, heavy mineral concentrates and waters from National Geochemical Reconnaissance stream sediment and water surveys in the northeastern and southern Clear Hills, Alberta; Energy Resources Conservation Board, ERCB/AGS Special Report 097, 21 p.