In 2007, the Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) initiated a project to determine the quantity and spatial extent of shale gas resources in Alberta. Since then, this project has expanded to include shale- and siltstone-hosted hydrocarbons (oil, gas, and natural gas liquids) in the province.
In March, 2008 AGS submitted 21 thin sections from selected shale and siltstone outcrops in the province to CBM Solutions Ltd. (now Trican Geological Solutions) for petrographic analysis. The appendix to this file contains the contractors report. While we believe this report to be of good quality, the interpretations and data are solely the responsibility of CBM Solutions.
Rokosh, C.D., Anderson, S.D.A. and Pawlowicz, J.G. (2016): Petrographic analysis of 21 shale and siltstone outcrop samples from Alberta; Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Special Report 100, 34 p.