Petrographic Analysis of Selected Alberta Strata (Doe Creek, Dunvegan)

Publication Type
Special Report
Oil and Gas
Publication ID
SPE 109
Publication ID Extended
Special Report 109

Twenty thin sections produced from core samples from thirteen Alberta wells were sent to Calgary Rock and Materials Services Inc. for description and photographs according to specific criteria requested by the Alberta Geological Survey. The criteria were established to aid our understanding and evaluation and estimation of shale- and siltstone-hosted hydrocarbons. This client report is a compilation of the thin section descriptions and images from the samples.

The thin sections were taken from core from the Doe Creek and Dunvegan formations.


Anderson, S.D.A., Pawlowicz, J.G. and Rokosh, C.D. (2017): Petrographic analysis of selected Alberta strata (Doe Creek, Dunvegan); Alberta Energy Regulator, AER/AGS Special Report 109, 65 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, canada
Place Keywords NTS
83e, 83l, 83m
Theme Keywords
geology, petrographic studies, sandstone, shale gas, siltstone, unconventional resources, western canada sedimentary basin