Airborne Geophysics Data Analysis and Interpretation, Canadian Shield, Alberta

Publication Type
Special Report
Published Date
Mineral Mapping, Mineral Resources
Publication ID
SPE 119
Publication ID Extended
Special Report 119
Publication Other

The Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) outsourced the geological interpretation of the 2021 high-resolution aeromagnetic survey conducted by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) / AGS over the Canadian Shield of northeastern Alberta. This interpretation focused on characterizing the magnetic signature of magnetic rock units, granitoid plutons, dikes, faults, and shear zones and producing a compilation map. Although this report does not identify any mineral occurrences or potential mineral exploration targets, the information will allow for a better understanding of geological features that are linked to increased critical mineral potential.

All production of geophysical products and interpretation of data was conducted by Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience Inc. (RMG), as well as subcontractor Fathom Geophysics LLC, with oversight and approval by the AER and AGS. Using the 2021 aeromagnetic data, RMG synthesized a selection of grid-based filter products and three-dimensional models to aid subsequent interpretation. Additionally, RMG commissioned Fathom Geophysics LLC to produce automatic structure and radial symmetry detection filters, and other geophysical products. By integrating this new information with existing geological data, the authors interpreted five key geological features over the project area, namely magnetic rock units, intrusions, dikes, ductile shear zones, and brittle faults. Subsequently, a compilation map and report were produced by RMG to highlight all new geological interpretations in the Canadian Shield of northeastern Alberta. RMG also included an array of new GIS and geophysical products in their deliverables.

This work was completed under the Mineral Grant provided by the Government of Alberta dated June 22, 2021.


Lopez, G.P., McGill, D. and McKenzie, J. (2024): Airborne geophysics data analysis and interpretation, Canadian Shield, northeastern Alberta; Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Special Report 119, 111 p.

Place Keywords
alberta, andrew lake, athabasca basin, athabasca lake, bayonet lake, bocquene lake, canada, canadian shield, charles lake, colin lake, cornwall lake, leland lakes, mercredi lake, myers lake, potts lake, slave river, tulip lake, wylie lake
Place Keywords NTS
74l, 74m
Theme Keywords
aeromagnetic, airborne geophysical survey, athabasca basin, basement geology, critical minerals, dyke, economic geology, fault, geology, magnetic field, magnetic map, mineral exploration, mineral mapping program, precambrian, precambrian shield, precambrian structures, proterozoic, shear zone, structural geology, tectonic domain, tectonic structures